1. Following are the results of a maths test for a group of students
45 36 44 21 46 28 37 44 41 30 45 38 24 21 38 23 Draw a stem-and-leaf diagram for the above data
2. Following are the results of a English test for a group of students
52 37 40 47 53 41 44 50 60 47 36 35 59 60 32 46 Draw a stem-and-leaf diagram for the above data
3. Following are the results of a science test for a group of students
20 26 49 17 45 23 34 24 12 22 44 32 35 48 Draw a stem-and-leaf diagram for the above data
4. Following are the results of a French test for a group of students
41 26 27 31 21 52 40 38 43 47 28 50 22 59 Draw a stem-and-leaf diagram for the above data